Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lost my double wide trailler....

Life with Estella had been disastrous. It all started when she got that real estate salesperson's license. She always said her interpersonal skills was her strength. Must have been he thought. It was those skills that led to her cheating ways.

Besides, she liked that silver and gold uniform. Personally, he thought it made her bottom look a little chunky.

Heck, the truth be told, he thought, if someone told her to haul ass, it would take two trips!

It seemed to have happen overnight. She left him for that trailer salesman. After only eight months of wedded bliss! How quickly things change - he had hit bottom. Lost everything. The awful feeling of failure. That period of failure lasted about a year and then, with a renewed vigilance, he committed himself to once again writing that hit song!

There was life after “Stella from Hella!” - and it was going to be a damn good life!

Aisle Three was always so quiet and peaceful in the early morning hours. With a couple of hours until the nine o‘clock opening, Tom knew he had time for a cup of coffee and music composition.

Opening the storage closet behind the office door, Tom broke out his Martin guitar, “Marty” as he like to call it. It was top-of-the-line. What a sweet sound! Tuning it just right, he sipped on his Dunkin' Donuts extra large coffee, something he had to get every morning on the way to the store.

Having lost his old Ford Escort, to Stella in the divorce, he had picked up a used Vespa brand motor scooter at the pawnshop down the street. Besides, with gas at almost four was economical. It did not look good, was a little dinged up, had several rusty spots with new ones breaking out every day, sort of like a teen with a bad case of acne.

He had mastered the driving of the scooter, holding his extra large java every morning. As he was more prone to say nowadays “a rusty ride beats a well-dressed walk.”

Grabbing his guitar, Tom assumed the position. He did not understand why but sitting on the office floor, dressed in his shirt and tie, always felt so relaxing. “Lets see, key of G... "Oh she done went and left me, took all I own! Oh, I lost my double wide trailer To a triple wide woman!”

A high pitched yell is heard from the front of the store, startling Tom. Had it been an hour since he sat down on that floor? “

Is that you boss?” With no warning, a young twenty-something girl comes barging into the office, almost stepping on Tom. It was Mary Elizabeth Louis, his assistant - Mel as he liked to call her. Always in a hurry, excitable and prone to speaking too fast, she adored her mentor.

“Oh my Gosh! That is so cool!!!!!!!! Where did you get that from?”

Reaching for the Dunkin Donuts cup, Tom takes a slow sip, pauses, and then with a soft voice says, “Its oh-so wonderful life....Who would have thought a lady in a trailer park would beat me out of my home! Left me for that salesman at the trailer sales lot just outside of Feeley Junction! Oh well, makes sense: double wide trailer, triple wide woman, spandex”

Feeling tears starting to develop, “She may not have been the best wife but.... !"

“C’mon Boss, you never liked that trailer no how…. Besides….hey want me to go on a coffee run?

Tom, seeing his coffee level was getting low, felt the need for more. If she is going to go get it, why not? “Yeah, you know I get my inspiration from Dunkin Donuts coffee. Make it hot, keep it cheap, but heavy on the sugar. Just like my perfect woman.!

Just kiddin' 'bout the sugar – no sugar!

Got to get this store open.... Before ya'leave, is the janitor in yet?

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